Random Thoughts- 1

Rajesh Shanmugam
2 min readNov 11, 2020


Why do we need to be there for people, One of the important questions that need to be understood by everyone. We always blame others for our mistakes maybe not always, most of the times. But the reality is we are the ones who are responsible for our actions.

So, What is the relation between being there for others and taking ownership of our actions?

Actually there is no relation. Just some random thoughts ;)

Taking ownership and being there for others is responsibility. Some people say I don’t need anyone I can live my own life, but that is not possible. They will get hurt by their loneliness, Most of the time they don’t talk about that. But they get hurt by that, that will reflect on how they treat others and how they speak. In deep down, those people are hurt and they are looking for someone who they can trust, but due to the insecurity they have, it will become a dream to them.

In this modern era, everyone is getting isolated from other humans. Even though we meet or having a conversation with others, we are talking mostly about materialistic success of others in the form of gossips or deliberately showing envy on them. Based on the achievements or success of others which was accepted by this society we are trying to alter our goals and success criteria. We are judging others success based on the criteria we learnt from others or we experienced. We are neglecting the case that the environment is different for every one of us here. We are very hard on others while we evaluate them, and making an easy story for us while we evaluate ourselves.

We say luck plays a major role in other success and hard work plays a major role in our success.

We are trying to achieve something based on the criteria from this society, That is the right thing to do but not always. And I don’t think that is not the purpose of our life. We need to show our emotion to others even though they are going to judge us. It is not a crime to showcase our emotions and commotions. We are too in-secured to showcase our emotions to others. Showcasing our emotions will make us stronger. We are all running for something, but most of us don’t know what.

We don’t have the guts to face the reality, so we are running for an imaginary future. Where things are going to be like this and that.

We are looking for gratification or we are in envy most of our living days. But we are not sure about what is happiness and Sadness.

Actually I forget the real meaning of Happiness and Sadness. Most of the time We are acknowledging the envy we feel towards others or When our expectations are not met as Sadness (Our Gratification is not satisfied). Other than that we don’t know what sadness is. Same applies to happiness. If I’m getting instant gratification more frequently “I’m so happy”. But that is not happiness.

To be continued…….

